The ceramic department

Friday, 21 September 2012

Nearly 5 months of a summer break.... exploring, discovering, creating, maybe working in our jobs, maybe doing no work at all, classmates leaving to America and Denmark ..... Third year has came upon us.

After being given expectations, deadlines and an expanding list of things to do....Work begins Monday 9.15am.

We can do this 3rd years!!!!!!

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Moving out for the next tenants

The 2012 graduates from the Ceramic Department have long fled the nest of the studio at UU and some are even exhibiting at the Naughton Gallery but the show must go on and the stage is now set for another group of eager and talented ceramicists to have their turn. 

Before passing on the fire though there are a few things you should know!; 

Never piss off Brian - you learn this in first year, he is the kiln brick to your kiln.
You think you would never steal peoples tools but this year anything goes.
If you're using a department glaze STICK TO THE SET FIRING SCHEDULE 
Buy your own chalk 
Do not throw out anything you make, even that 30 second clay snowman you made at christmas, e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g counts 
Don't take any negative emotion from your classmates to heart, people get crazy 
Move your car before 16:30
Do not freak out about your dissertation its not as substantial as people make it out to be
Tom likes cake, really.
Go to every masterclass
Don't ask security/Derek to open the kiln room
Buy your own clay and learn to love it
Don't punch things when things get bad, there's always a solution
Have tutorials with tutors other than your own dedicated one, its great to have another point of view
Have tutorials with each other
Don't always listen to peoples opinions from a tutorial - it's your work BELIEVE IN YOURSELF
Supply baked goods to Willie & Chris before you ask them to do anything, they're nice really.
Expect people to pull work out of their asses
The studio is not for eating
Claim you're diabetic/Be diabetic for a constant need of food in the studio
Don't go to every masterclass
It's OK to stare at Michael's piercings
Sometimes it's good to let it out
You will have a dirty friday lunch every day of the week
Ask security/Derek to open kiln room
Always get discount in scarva
Clear out before you really have to
Take pictures of your work as many times as you blink
Bring pillows/blankets & always have a comfy chair
Window seats aren't as great as you think they are
You will fill those trolleys
Buy some shares from Scarva
Book a photographer as a group
Always ask for help
Use the red batman phone before you use the fire doors
Use this blog
It's not quantity, but quality, but sometimes its quantity of quality and it's always quantity over nothing
Your pen leaking on a page can be submitted as a drawing
Check your UU email accounts regularly
Do practice led research
This could go on...

HAVE FUN! it'll be over soon :D

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Graduation Lists - Summer Graduation 2012 - University of Ulster

The Graduation lists are available through this fabulous digital souvenir booklet! Just in time for our graduation day tomorrow for all the Bachelors in Arts with Honours in Fine & Applied Arts students! 

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Return from the chaos

Exhibition over! That's it! after 8 fantastic days the Argillaceous exhibition has came to a close and the ceramic department is slowly recovering from another year of fantastic talent and has begun to transform back to normality again. Who knows what we'll do with all those plinths! 

Look out for everyone looking dapper again at the Waterfront Hall for our graduation on the 4th of July!

Friday, 8 June 2012

Take a bow

Such a fantastic opening night to reflect our fantastic work! everyone done so well. The ceramic department of the art college was the place to be in Belfast!

1 week left of our exhibition, Floor A, Old Building, 10am - 5pm 
Thursday 14th June 10am - 9pm
Parking is available at Saint Annes Square behind the art college special £3.50 offer from 6pm - 10pm

Be sure to grab a catalogue and one of our huge badges with your favourite art work before they all go!

Opening Night - Degree Show

It's here! all the stress and pain will soon be gone as the opening night of our degree show is finally here! Good luck to everyone!

Come to our Argillaceous studio for abundant refreshments, highly talented students & final work of our BA Hons Fine & Applied Art!

Thursday, 31 May 2012


8th - 16th June

>>Friday 8th June 6pm - Opening night of Fine & Applied Art Degree show<<

Thursday 14th June 10am - 9pm Late night opening

Saturday 16th June 10am -5pm closing day

access to the Old Building of the Art college will be available via the Student Union - making it even easier to pop in and see the ceramics!

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Monday, 21 May 2012

Setting up

3 days until our final assessment, 18 days until the public opening of the Belfast Fine & Applied Art Degree show! 

The ceramic department's degree show; ''Argillaceous'' exhibition is coming together quickly.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Friday, 11 May 2012

Exciting stuff!

all the pretty things are starting to arrive!

Promo images from the photographer Christopher Martin 

and then you remember it's 4 weeks today until the degree show opening night...